Greywale Advisors is a leading expert on Broadband Infrastructure, Last Mile Fiber, and Local Digital Infrastructure.
Broadband Funding, Financial Analysis, Community Assessments, Public-Private Partnerships, Ecosystem-wide Narratives, Future Proof Architectures.
Contact us if you want to: (
- Understand Broadband Infrastructure
- Determine Feasibility and Investment Levels
- Capitalize on the future of Last Mile Fiber and Local Digital Infrastructure
- Create localized business, technical and financial architectures and strategies
- Structure and Negotiate Public-Private Partnerships
- Acquire or build last mile fiber networks
- Transform your community
We focus on the intersection of technology, business and finance!

Currently looking for Financial Partners: Investment Bankers, Infrastructure Investors, Private Equity Investors, Financial Analyst, etc.
Our Professional Services:
- Executive Briefings and Education
- Financial Modeling and Feasibility Studies
- Strategy Development and Assessments
- Public-Private Partnership Structuring and Negotiating
- Strategic Messaging and Narrative Creation and Assessments
- Product and Solution Strategies
- RFI/RFP Creating, Responding and Evaluating
- Vendor Selection and Management
- Ecosystem and Value Chain Participation Strategies
- Keynote Speaking and Writing
We focus on Innovation!

Our Customers:
Private Equity & Infrastructure Investors, Network Owners, Builders and Operators, Community Broadband Groups, Municipal Leaders, Technology and Solution Providers, Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), ILECs, Cable MSOs, MNOs, Electric Utilities, other TMT Consultancies, and anyone that can benefit from millions of open gigabit connections.
Read my article on:
Innovation Meets The Last Mile. We’re at the Beginning of a Global Transition to Last Mile Digital Infrastructure. (@ISE)
Video of my Presentation and Q&A from the 2021 Maine Broadband Summit (HERE)

Presentation from the 2021 Maine Broadband Summit (Click Here)
Watch a great discussion on Open Access Broadband:
Download our Community Broadband Advisory Offer
Select Published Materials:
Innovation Meets The Last Mile. We’re at the Beginning of a Global Transition to Last Mile Digital Infrastructure. (@ISE)
The Cloud, The Edge and Municipal Broadband — Intertwined to Create Platform for Vibrant Communities. (@ISE)
Electric Utilities and The Future of Broadband: From the Smallest Co-oP to the Largest Public Utilities (@ISE)
5 Questions Municipalities Should Ask Potential Community Fiber Partners (@ISE)
The U.S. Broadband Ecosystem is Broken: Time for a New Game! (@LinkedIN)
ACLU and Municipal Broadband; False Narratives and Misconceptions. (@LinkedIN)
Incumbent Broadband Providers verse Municipal Broadband (@ISE)
Will the City of San Francisco Define the Future of Broadband? (@ ISE)
Open Access Broadband: Dark Fiber vs. Lit Fiber (@ Broadband Communities)
Municipal Broadband: What’s Broadband? (@ISE)
Why GoogleFiber has stumbled: The Lessons to Learn & Why Moving to Fixed Wireless Won’t Solve the Problem. (AT LIGHT READING ULTRA BROADBAND)
PODcast: Big Cities Tired of Waiting for Modern Broadband, Do It Themselves? (@ISE)
Keynote Address: The Alternative ILEC Transformation Presentation TANE2017
Linux Foundation Open Networking Summit (ONS) Presentation: Open Source & Open Broadband
The Real ILEC Transformation: To Open Access Infrastructure (@ISE )
Open Source Fiber Huts? An Indication of the Future of the Broadband Ecosystem (@ISE)
PODcast: An alternative ILEC transformation (Here)
How the CORD Project Will Change the Economics of Broadband (@Linux Foundation)
The CORD Project: Unforeseen Efficiencies: A Truly Unified Access Architecture (@Linux Foundation)
Select Quips and Quotes
- “All local loops are local”
- “Community Broadband is about Community not Broadband”
- “Broadband is critical community infrastructure”
- “Rural broadband isn’t broken, it was never fixed”
- “Broadband isn’t about technology, it’s critical infrastructure for community vibrancy”
- “Net neutrality is a myth, always has been”
- Starting in 1992, his broadband background has grown from:
- Initiated and led the development of the first ADSL modem semiconductor chipset (Analog Devices)
- Architected and led the development of the first data centric DSLAM (Cascade/Lucent)
- Drove product marketing and management for the first residential broadband gateway (Cayman/Netopia)
- Drove strategic marketing and messaging for entire end-to-end broadband networks (Cisco)
- Drove strategic marketing and messaging for the entire end-to-end broadband ecosystem (Greywale)
- National thought leader in broadband, open access fiber and local digital infrastructure.
- Alternative Broadband Activities
- Created open broadband models comprised of Business, Technical and Financial architectures.
- Worked with technology vendors implementing the first Open Access Broadband networks in US.
- Worked with leading European Open Access experts to adapt European/Swedish models to the U.S. and Canadian markets.
- Worked with private equity and investment banking firms to create an open and neutral last mile communication architectures for U.S. Markets.
- Recently Keynote presentations at the ISE Expo on Open Fiber Innovation, The Linux Foundation’s Open Networking Summit (ONS) on “Open Source and Open Broadband” and at the Telecom Association of New England (TANE) Executive Summit on “An Alternative Future for the ILEC”.
- Education
- BS Electrical Engineering – Cornell University
- MBA Innovation Management – Northeastern University
- Studied Digital Video over Broadband at the MIT MediaLab
- Past Broadband Ecosystem Activities
- Co-founder, and Vice President, of the ADSL Forum, now known as the Broadband Forum.
- Active member of the U.S. Committee T1 – T1E1.4 – created the first ADSL Standard (T1.413)
- Active member of the ITU SG4/Q15 – created the first global ADSL standards (G.992.1 and G.992.2).
- Active member of the Universal ADSL Working Group (UAWG) (Microsoft, Compaq and Intel driven initiative) that accelerated U.S. Broadband Deployments.
- Active member of the SCTE Energy 2020 initiative.
- Drove broadband product and marketing strategies at: Analog Devices, Cisco Systems, Cascade Communications (Lucent), Cayman Systems, Aware.
- Broadband Speaking and Articles
- Speaking: ISE Expo, Telecom Association of New England (TANE) Executive Conference, Linux Foundation Open Network Summit (ONS), TIA Annual Conference, AllSeen Alliance Summit, SCTE TecExpo.
- Articles;, ISE, Broadband Communities, Linux Foundation, SkinnyWIre, LinkedIN.
- Industry expertise encompasses:
- Broadband End-to-End Technical, Business and Financial Architectures
- Open Access Broadband
- Neutral Communication Infrastructure
- U.S. broadband industry (Fixed and wireless)
- U.S. Incumbent provider strategies (real strategies)
- Community and Municipal Broadband